SUU to Everywhere

Trevor Lilley (’19)

Trevor Lilley (’19)
SUU to Goldman Sachs

Originally published on February 05, 2020.

From a young age, Trevor Lilley knew business and leadership were in the cards for him. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, he grew up determined to reach his goals, and that drive influenced his decision to transfer from UNLV to Southern Utah University in 2015 and major in accounting.

Trevor is now an analyst in the securities department at Goldman Sachs in Salt Lake City, Utah, and he credits SUU’s Dixie L. Leavitt School of Business with helping him accomplish his dreams of working for the prestigious firm.

“The business school professors really prepared each student for their post graduate career,” Trevor says. “They taught us how to properly prepare for any situation and be successful doing it,”

Trevor was heavily involved in the Sigma Chi fraternity throughout his time as a student, and he even served as president of the Kappa Iota chapter during the 2018-19 academic year. He says his fraternity provided him with leadership experiences that are relevant now and will be in his future endeavors.

“Being a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity presented me with leadership opportunities that no other club or class could give me,” he says. “I’m now a member of the Southern Utah Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter and occasionally help the undergraduate chapter at SUU.”

Trevor is quick to credit his alma mater for giving him the opportunity to earn a degree that he uses each day, and to work for a company that he enjoys and where he can grow professionally.

“I’m just incredibly proud to have attended SUU and am forever thankful for the relationships I was able to build with faculty,” he says.

Tags: College of Education and Human Development