IIC Awards
Joseph Puspoki
Intern of the Year:
Joseph Puspoki
Crew Member of the Year:
Rachel Musser
Mentor of the Year:
Ian Harvey
Jazmine Dunn
Intern of the Year:
Jazmine Dunn
Crew Leader of the Year:
Megan Kinghorn
Mentor of the Year:
Lisa Church
Samuel Norman
Intern of the Year:
Samuel Norman
Crew Leader of the Year:
David Hall
Mentor of the Year:
Jess Hancock
Nazbah Stanley
Intern of the Year:
Nazbah Stanley
Crew Leader of the Year:
Alissa Thomas
Mentor of the Year:
Jens Swenson
Cassidy Motahari
Intern of the Year:
Cassidy Motahari
Crew Leader of the Year:
Chris Giles
Mentor of the Year:
Debra McCarthy
Kelly Livingston
Intern of the Year:
Kelly Livingston
Crew Leader of the Year:
Tamra Hunt
Mentor of the Year:
Linda Babcock
Amy Davis
Intern of the Year:
Amy Davis
Crew Leader of the Year:
Joshua Montour
Mentor of the Year:
Fermin Salas
Rowdy Walsh
Intern of the Year:
Rowdy Walsh
Crew Leader of the Year:
Carly Jo Hales
Mentor of the Year:
Dan Fletcher
Danielle Smith
Intern of the Year:
Danielle Smith
Crew Leader of the Year:
Hayden Houston
Mentor of the Year:
Will Gilbert
Maiya Osife
Intern of the Year:
Maiya Osife
Crew Leader of the Year:
Katie Barnes
Mentor of the Year:
Dave Jacobson