SUU PREP Student Code of Conduct
Behavior Guidelines
SUU PREP is dedicated to providing an excellent summer program for high-achieving middle school students. To accomplish this goal, students are expected to follow the SUU PREP Student Code of Conduct and the Iron County School District Student Code of Conduct at all times to promote a safe, fun, healthy and respectful environment for all participants.
Unacceptable behavior will result in corrective measures and may include a report to Iron County School District and/or removal of the student from the SUU PREP program.
At SUU PREP student will:
- Wear appropriate clothing to SUU PREP each day (see Dress Code)
- Participate in all activities, including class work, projects, and homework assignments
- Be on time each day and ready to participate
- Be a positive influence on those around them
- Be respectful and cooperative, and contribute positively to the experience of fellow students
- Be careful that your actions, behavior, and language do not hurt other students' feelings or hurt them physically in any way, intentionally or accidentally
- Show respect to all SUU PREP staff and cooperate fully with their instructions and directions
- Respect the values and beliefs of others
- Never discriminate or harass anyone based on race, national origin, color, religion, disability, sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected class
- Be respectful of all SUU campus, field trip locations, and SUU PREP property, equipment, and supplies (costs of damages will be paid by you)
- Never mark, deface, or destroy SUU PREP materials or the personal property of others
- Not participate in theft of any kind
- Be aware of surroundings at all times
- Pay attention to instructions and directions given by PREP staff
- Stay with my assigned group and PREP staff at all times
- Immediately notify PREP staff of any safety risk observed
- Immediately report violations of the Student Code of Conduct to PREP staff
- Not be in possession or use of alcohol and other drugs (including tobacco or e-cigarette products), fireworks, guns, and other weapons
- Not operate a motor vehicle while at SUU PREP
- Never leave university property unless with SUU PREP group or checked out
- Never use cameras, imaging, digital or other recording devices in areas where privacy is reasonable expected by participants
- Students should always be clean and neat in appearance
- Close-toed shoes must be worn at all times during field trips and labs
- Clothing that is distracting in appearance must be avoided. Clothes that reveal midriffs, undergarments, or have low neck lines are not allowed. It is unacceptable for undergarments to show at any time. Shorts, Skirts, or Dresses must be longer than the student's fingertips when their arms are straight at their sides.
- Clothing that contains vulgar words, profane or obscene slogans and pictures, gang affiliations, or advertisements for alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are not permitted
- Students who violate the dress code may be asked to call their parents to pick them up early. Repeated violations may result in dismissal from SUU PREP
- SUU PREP shirts must be worn on field trips
Unacceptable Behavior
Disciplinary action may be taken as a result of any behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct, is disruptive, or violates the rights of others. The following are examples of unacceptable behavior (not an exhaustive list) and are subject to disciplinary action at SUU PREP. The listed behaviors may result in immediate dismissal from the program and may not necessarily result in the corrective measures outlined in the next section.
- Name calling
- Criminal Activity
- Taunting/ridiculing
- Inappropriate gesturing
- Demeaning comments/gossiping
- Accessing inappropriate electronic content
- Bullying
- Threatening
- Hitting/kicking
- Shoving/pushing
- Inappropriate language
- Sexual Harassment based on protected class
- Stealing
- Fighting
- Damaging property
- Inappropriate touching
- Discrimination/Harassment
- Failure to stay with assigned group during the program
Be aware that defiant and/or disrespectful behavior toward any SUU PREP staff member or authority figure will not be tolerated and may result in corrective measures.
SUU PREP students must understand the corrective measures and discipline process listed on pages 8-9 and know that you can be dismissed from the program should you violate the standards of conduct and SUU PREP requirements.
Corrective Measures and Discipline
Discipline should not be confused with punishment. The goal of discipline is to help students become self-regulated individuals with mature attitudes and socially acceptable standards of conduct.
Corrective measures used will depend upon the nature of the behavior, the frequency, and the degree to which the student is willing to correct undesirable behavior.
Disciplinary actions will normally begin at a minimal level and then proceed to more serious levels with the exception of serious violations of the Student Code of Conduct (see examples of unacceptable behavior above).
Unacceptable behavior will result in corrective measures and may include a report to the student's school district.
Corrective measures may include:
- First offense: a verbal warning
- Second/Third offense: a verbal warning and a written warning, and notification to parents
- After two written warnings, a student, Fourth offense: PREP staff and parents will meet with the program director..
- Written warnings that occur after a parent meeting may result in the student's dismissal from SUU PREP.
SUU PREP reserves the right to dismiss students from the program as needed, without following the above corrective action steps, to ensure a safe and respectful educational environment.
Dismissal Appeal Process
The following is the process for appeal of dismissals:
- Appeals must be submitted by the student in writing to within 48 hours of receiving the dismissal notice.
- The appeal email must clearly explain
- Why he/she is appealing his/her dismissal
- Why he/she believes he/she should be readmitted
- What he/she intends to do to change the behavior that merited dismissal
The information provided in this email will be considered by the SUU PREP director, who will make a decision and notify the student and parent/guardian of their decision within 48 hours of receipt of the appeal email.
Readmitted students are expected to make up missed assignments.