Academic Calendar
For official dates, visit the SUU Academic Calendar.
Disclaimer: The academic calendar as posted is official but is reviewed periodically and as circumstances warrant. While SUU makes efforts to minimize date changes, revisions and updates may be necessary; dates are subject to change without advance notice. When changes are made, this website will be updated accordingly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I add the Academic Calendar to my own Google calendar?
A: Please see the directions at How to Add the Academic Calendar.
Q: Why are there so many aviation dates on the calendar? Can SUU have a separate aviation calendar so it isn't so cluttered?
A: This question comes up quite a bit and unfortunately the answer is no. When SUU went through a VA audit some years ago, we were told that we cannot treat our VA students differently from non-VA students. Since aviation students take classes in both the aviation terms and the "regular" terms, it would force them to have to subscribe to two calendars while other students would only need to subscribe to one -- and since so many of our aviation students are funded by the VA, it would essentially be treating them differently. Also, while the aviation terms definitely dominate the Academic Calendar, we actually don't put all of the deadlines for aviation terms on the calendar because we know it would be overwhelming. (So in other words, it could be worse!)
Q: Can we line up SUU's Spring Break with Iron County School District's Spring Break?
A: For the 2024-2027 calendar cycle, SUU has moved its Spring Break back two weeks. In doing so, we have attempted to better align the Spring Breaks between the two. While we can't guarantee that ICSD will have the same Spring Break as SUU's going forward, we have made the changes that we can.