SUU to Everywhere

Brock Hendricks

Brock Hendricks

Originally published on May 23, 2017.

Growing up in Los Angeles, Brock Hendricks spent years struggling to decide between finishing his education and taking on various professional jobs. After finding himself in Utah at a community college, he decided to transfer to Southern Utah University.

Brock developed hands on skills in advertising, broadcasting, marketing, and sales by working at SUU’s radio station, Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), and his strategic communication classes.

Brock said he found inspiration and personal growth from David Lunt, a professor of history and Brandon Armstrong, a career coach and employment outreach coordinator.

“Those two people come to mind as the best influences,” said Brock. “David was incredible because he inspired me to be better everyday, while Brandon was the ultimate sense of guidance and support.”

After graduating, Brock landed a sales job for the minor league baseball team, the Salt Lake Bees. He immediately started breaking organizational sales records. Brock moved up to an account executive for the Utah Jazz where he was the youngest hire in a corporate position in the company’s history.

Brock was happy with the Jazz, as he had a future with the program and enjoyed the team. However, when a representative from the Los Angeles Dodgers approached Brock about working there, it was an opportunity he could not refuse.

“It was not convenient or easy to leave a really good situation with the Jazz, but when the Dodgers call, you listen,” said Brock.

Brock is now a group sales account executive for the L.A. Dodgers. He credits his journey to the hands-on experience and variety of opportunities he had at SUU. He continues to be inspired by his education and wants to represent SUU to the fullest.

Learn more about SUU's Communication department.

Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Alumni