SUU to Everywhere

Grace Schulz ('18)

Grace Schulz ('18)

Originally published on November 04, 2019.

Grace Schulz came to SUU from Oakley, Utah, after graduating from South Summit High School in 2014. After taking an introduction to journalism course her freshman year, her plans to be a journalist were solidified, and under the careful tutelage of professors like Jon Smith and Michael Stathis, she gained the skills necessary to earn a job with CNN in Atlanta.

As an associate producer, Grace helps build the many hours of programming by cutting videos and photos to accompany segments and cutting relevant soundbites. During live shows, she is responsible for monitoring the spreadsheet that controls the show, making sure video is in place, and facilitating the instant replay of live events and soundbites for breaking news.

Her fast-paced job relies on multitasking skills and careful listening that Grace honed while at SUU.

“The Venn diagram of skills I learned at SUU and things I need to succeed as a journalist is a circle,” she says. “SUU taught me a lot about believing in myself, trusting myself, and knowing that I am capable. [It’s] where I learned who I wanted to be, and where I started to become that person.”

After growing up and living her whole life in Utah, moving to Atlanta has been a leap of faith for Grace. While at SUU, she dreamed and often talked about working for CNN someday, but through her hard work and determination, that “someday” came just one short month after graduation. When she walks into work most mornings, she looks up at the CNN letters over the door and feels incredibly blessed and proud to have made it there. According to her, this is her greatest accomplishment, with watching the entire Game of Thrones series in 11 days being a close second.

Grace loves the outdoors and enjoys rock climbing and canyoneering. Although many people have suggested she go hiking since moving to Georgia, she has yet to find a mountain anywhere to climb. Luckily, she is also a runner training for an eventual marathon and enjoys honing her cooking skills, learning a second language, and relearning flute since there are not any Cedar red hills close by.

In addition to being an expert producer for CNN, she is an expert musical playlist curator, Netflix enthusiast, and avid traveler just waiting for the next opportunity to travel the world and visit Utah to see her family and pets.

Tags: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Communication