SUU to Everywhere

Lucia Olivera ('03)

Lucia Olivera ('03)
SUU to Highway Administrator

Originally published on July 10, 2020.

Lucia OliveraWith two years under her belt from the University of Buenos Aires, Lucia Olivera came to Cedar City in 2000 to finish her degree. Little did she know that SUU would give her all of the experiences she needed to go from management and information systems, to applied economics, and finally to the Federal Highway Administration.

Born to an electro-mechanical engineer and a home economics teacher in Argentina, Lucia is the third of four girls. She chose to come to SUU because she wanted to live in a small town and close to nature. Of course, the fact that SUU would give her credit for the two years of study in Buenos Aires sealed the deal, and her risky decision to leave the comfort of home paid off due to the advice, encouragement, and assistance of wonderful mentors and advisors.Lucia Olivera

SUU’s management and information systems program offered flexibility to take several economics and business classes, technically outside of her major, and faculty like Dave Tufte, Joe Baker, and Wayne Roberts gave her limitless educational opportunities.

“SUU helped me realize the importance of being a ‘well-rounded’ person,” she says.

Professor Tufte encouraged her to apply for an internship at the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, and she got it via the University’s reputation gained through a previous intern who proved the value of an SUU education. This internship led to a job with the US Chamber of Commerce and a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins.

Now, Lucia works as the division administrator of the Montana Division Office for the Federal Highway Administration. She and her team provide funding and technical assistance, and she takes great pride in knowing that her work makes a difference, ensuring the safety and efficiency of the transportation system.

Tags: Management Information Systems Alumni